CC - II : Story of Tiresias and recount it's outcome

While Jupiter, had put aside his weighty cares and drink in hand, was busy killing time in repartee with Juno:-"women get far more pleasure out of sex then man do". He Said, she denied this and they both agreed to seek the opinion of the transsexual sage Tiresias for he had experienced love from both angles. Once he had disturbed a pair of large serpents meeting in the  green forest with a blow of which walking stick, and it is marvelous to tell that he was changed form a man to a woman, and lived as search for seven years. in the eight year, he saw  the same two serpents once again and thought of the alteration of sex by striking them. With this end in view, he struck the snakes and regain his former self he was born with.
                        So, Tiresias was chosen to settle this trifling dispute between Jupiter and Juno. And he confirmed Jupiter's words and Jupiter won the bet. But Saturn's daughter Juno react badly when he gave his judgment and out of excessive anger she demand/sentenced Teiresias to eternal blindness. And since no god can undo another's doing, so Jupiter gave Tiresias the gift of foresight in exchange for his lost sight and thereby lightened the punishment with high esteem.


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