CC - I : The Character of Charudutta in Mrichchhakatika

Sudraka was well-versed in the art of the characterization. Here, he has given all sorts of characters, high and low, rich and poor. They represent different walks of life.
They belong to different class and profession of the society. We find In them different caste, colour and creed. We have a wide range of characters such as the Brahmin Hero Charudutta, Vidusaka, villain like Sakara, revolutionary like Sharvilaka and so.
                 Charudutta is a hero of the Dhiradat type. He is very handsome. At the beginning of the play we find that he loses almost the whole of his fortune in charity. He is found of music and extremely sympathetic towards others, even to the thief who break into his house. He cares for his good name above everything else and is prepared to stand by truth at any cost. He doesn't lose his spirit when he falls from prosperity to adversity. He says- "riches come and go". Except Sakara(who calls him Daridra Charudutta), everybody hold him in high esteem and respect. For example, Madanika, compares him to the moon. The judge treats him with respect. Even Vasantasena, the most beautiful courtesan in Ujjayini falls  deeply in love with poor Charudutta.
                   The name Charudutta means the one whose manner of giving charity is always best with nobility. In other words, he is an incarnation of nobility. He bows down before the courtesan mother with nobility, and also offer his necklace to Vasantasena in the place of her stolen ornaments with nobility.
                         It goes without saying that excess of charity makes Charudutta poor. On account of his poverty, his house has lost its former beauty and luster, but  his own personality remains as integral as before. The proverb-"poverty is a curse"- has proved to be true in his case. Sakara feels jealous of him and says- poor Charudutta can attract Vasantasena, why not I ?". Though Charudutta says-"poverty is the source of all misfortunes in life, he is not deviated from the path of virtue.
             Some critics find Charudutta a passive character. At first sight, it seems that he fails to control the situation. He becomes is fatalist and helplessly accepts the authority of the ruthless fate upon him. But when we go deep in his character, he seems exactly the opposite. Most of the important events in the play develop round his character. For example, he indirectly plays a very important role in political revolution. Candanaka, a military officer is so much impressed with Charudutta. That he does not arrests Aryaka, the political leader. Because he feels it may offend Charudutta's feeling. This shows that Charudutta  plays a very vital role in political revolution. It becomes evident when his death sentence works as a spark to the fuel which results in political revolution. Thus Charudutta plays as a nucleus of the play.
                  Charudutta's passiveness in love is also illusive. Though he himself does not go to see his beloved as Vasantasena, does yet he is always ready to undergo any risk for the Sake of love, Charudutta comments-"friend, stop all your comment....... A horse tries to run fast, but his physical weakness does not help him to do so. In the same way, men's restless mind may move here and there, but at last it will return to to the heart. This woman could be won with money only. She is deserted by me because money has deserted me". It clearly suggest Charudutta's Deep undercurrent love for Vasantasena.
                     Charudutta is a  man of strong confidence. When Vidusaka tell him that Vasantasena will demand from him something more than her ornaments, Charudutta replays-"let her come. She will return fully satisfied". Now his love for her beyond control. When she comes, he embarrass her as the lighting does the cloud. Dr. De rightly remarks-"the most outstanding features of his character is his deep love for Vasantasena". The critic Keith also observes- "He loves Vasantasena with affection free from all passion".
           At the end of the play Charudutta finds himself a very critical condition. His days  are full of noise and fury. It is because of Sakara's conspiracy which leade him to the court of trial. Different people express their own doubt Vasantasena's murder. Here we find Charudutta in a really pitiable/pathetic condition. Naturally there is no scope for him to express his heart- felt sorrow for Vasantasena's death. At that time the people consider him as a hypocrite. Charudutta express his emotion in the midst  of this torturous even -"what an irony!.... Why should I exist without Vasantasena?".
            To concluded, it is said about Kalidasa's Characters "his heroines  one more attractive and charming than heroes". The opposite is the the case with Sudraka. His heroes are are more pleasant it and Charming then the heroines. the character  of Charudutta testified to this comment.


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