CC - I : The Character of Vasantasena in Mrichchhakatika


    Dr. Ryder, rightly remark-"Mrcchakatika" displays admirably three characteristics of its author- his verity, his skill in drawing to characters and his humour". Sudraka was well-versed in the art of characterisation. In the play Mrcchakatikam Vasantasena is depicted as a strong character. She Was a courtesan of Ujjayini according to ancient Indian literature, who earned fame and prosperity due to her skill in various art forms such as singing, dancing, poetry, and above all her beauty. She is not a conventional heroine. Unlike Sakuntala, Sita, Parvati and others (who are undoubtely ideal woman and embodiments of virtue through their self sacrifice), Vasantasena is exactly the opposite.
                     In the Play, Vasantasena falls in love with Charudutta, a young Brahmin who loses all his wealth Due to his philanthropic and charitable nature. On the contrary Vasantasena the rich courtesan lives a life of utmost luxury. Yet she falls in love with Charudutta for his extremely Nobel nature. Despite Being a happily married man and having a son, Charudutta falls for her because of her beauty, refined personality and noble nature. She is shown to be very bold and courageous in expressing her love for Charudutta. It is clear when she goes to visit his house ignoring a raging storm, resembling an Abhisarika Nayika. It is she, and not Charudutta, who plays the dominate role in there love-affair.
               Vasantasena's love for Charudutta is genuine and intense she considers any object associated with him as most sacred any Holy. When Sakara insults her lover and calls him 'poor-Charudutta' she became angry with Sakara and kicks him angry. She is ready to face  any danger for the sake of of her love for him.
          Vasantasena never losses her balance of mind even in difficult times. She uses her balance of mind in all situation that's why she becomes successfully in saving Charudutta from death sentence. Though she is a courtesan, she has all the qualities of an ideal woman. She always wants to be ideal wife of a gentleman. She never hankers after money. That's why, she does not sale her body in exchange for money. In fact, like a conventional Indian women she wants love, true love. Physical pleasure and happiness do not concern her . She is in dire need of psychological happiness. She said that she wants love ,not slavery. To her, love is a a means of of escape from social and mental subjugation. To her -"love is a part a man's life/but for women it is her whole life.  
          Thus, Vasantasena's frank nature wins the hearts almost all the characters in the Play. She is really the ornament of ornaments, possessing a charming face, river of noble nature where people lie and the store house of love.


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