CC - I : Mrichhakatikam exemplify a prakarana

 A Prakarana on each different from Nataka. The most important difference between Prakarana and  Nataka is that a prakarana does not draw its material from the Epic tradition, but competition is characters who are mostly intentions of the play wright. The length is typically between five to ten acts of varying lengths. These characters are drawn from the middle and lower strata of society. A king is really, if ever seen in a Prakarana the Dickson is the street Patios of the time, and never reaches the lyrical height of a Nataka. The themes include mostly Petty revenges, political intrigues, familial enmities and the like. In this way, there are clear similarities between a Prakarana and classical European comedy as defined by Aristotle. The scene is outside the palace, and most of the action takes place on the streets. The sitting is almost invariably urban. In many ways, a Prakarana is a better representation of the time and includes as more incisive social critic than Nataka. Mrichchhakatika of Sudraka is the best known extent example of Prakarana.

        First of all, the play is completely based on the imagination of Sudraka and does not take its material from the epics. IT comprises ten acts, and hatjan urvan setting. play largely takes place on the streets of Ujjain e and successfully captured the life and variance of the city life. That different dialects, open comic and ridiculous are foreground political cup and professional interview play a major in the play the desire of Sansthanaka for Vasantasena, his failed attempts at accruing her, all form and important part of the play. He comes across as a buffoon and a villain. However his villainy is characterized by pettiness. The scene of Sarva likha Hrithik also add the to the come rubric of the play. the play ends with the sudden turn of Charudatta, the exposing of the miscreants and finally a political coup. Thus, Mrichchhakatika can be called a successful Prakarana.

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