CC - II : The role and character of Creon in Oedipus the king

                If Teiresias with his prophetic powers, may be described as the true servant of the gods, then Creon, the brother of queen Jocasta, may be regarded as the true servant of the state. In fact, he appears in the prologue itself. He returns from Delphi where he had been sent by Oedipus to seek the oracle's guidance. He has brought what he considers to be good news, the news that may lead to good result if all goes well. this news is most crucial for the people of Thebes and also from the point of view of the play.

                 Indeed, the news is the starting point of the investigation which occupies the major part of the play. The news is that the murderer of king Laius lives on the soil of  Thebes add must be killed or banished if the people are to expect any relief in the vast suffering which they are undergoing. As Oedipus knows nothing about the history of king Laius, he questions Creon with regard to Laius's death, and Creon gives a simple ,straightforward account of the circumstances of Laius's death as known to him, through his knowledge is not first hand. At this stage we do not have enough data to from a proper estimate of the character of Creon. Here, he emerges as a well meaning short of person, free from any trickery or deceit.

              We next meet Creon after Oedipus has had a quarrel with Teiresias in the course of which Oedipus has expresses his suspicion that Creon has, in collaboration with Teiresias, hatched a conspiracy against him. Having come to know this, Creon says that Oedipus has brought a slanderous charge against him which he finds hard to endure. He further says that he would rather die than be guilty of doing any harm to Oedipus either by word or by act. At this point Oedipus directly accuses Creon of treason and hardly lets him speak to explain his position.

                However, Creon does not get an opportunity to speak in his self-defense, and the speech he makes his powers of reasoning and persuasive talk, though his eloquence falls flat on Oedipus. He argues that he would be the last man to desire Oedipus's throne and that the question of his plotting against Oedipus life does not, therefore, arise. He is leading a quiet and carefree life. As a moderate man, he desire noting more. Kingship would not please him more than his present status does. He is not so foolish to seek more honours than are good for him. As for sincerity and truthfulness, Oedipus can himself  go to Delphi and verify if the message brought by Creon was genuine or not. While the Chorus supports Creon in what he has said, Oedipus rejects Creon's plea and says that He will punish Creon's treason with death. The speech that Creon makes in his self defense shows his transparent honesty and loyalty even though Oedipus is at this time blinded by his prejudice.

       Creon does not indulge in idle conjectures. He does not hide what he knows. To be precise, he is a man who speaks on the basis of sure knowledge. That's why, Jocesta and the Chorus keep faith in him. At their entreaties, Oedipus certainly withdraws the sentence of death against Creon, but does not cease to suspect him of treason. Here our sympathy goes with Creon.

     In the final scene of the play, we find Creon's consideration for and  kindness to the blind Oedipus. Inspite of being a king, his religious piety has not diminished one whit. His reverence for the oracle suffers no decline. Creon's character maybe summed up As self-restraint, moderate, truthful, loyal and above all enduring.

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