CC - I : What happens to Charudatta at the end of the play in Mrichhakatikam

 Charudatta is saved  from the jaws of death, first by the defense of  Vasantasena who was miraculously brought back to life from death by the Buddhist monk, but more importantly by a political change that happened in the state of Ujjain itself. Aryaka, the rebel herdsman, ousted the tyrannical king Palaka and established himself as the king of the state and out of generosity and sweet remembrance of the help and friendship that was extended to him by Charudatta bestowed on him the kingdom of  Kushavati on the banks of vena, and made him one of the chief participators in the administration of the kingdom. Charudatta promptly uses the power he has acquired to rightfully bestow on all what they deserved and even brought the villain Sansthanaka within the fold of forgiveness, and declared that none who seek protection will be denied in the present kingdom of Ujjain

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