Pharmacology-1Unit-3(Pharmacology of Drug acting on Peripheral nervous system)

a) Organization and function of ANS

ANS(Autonomic Nervous System):-
  • It involves involuntary responses(movement) of our body.
  •  It further divided into two parts:-
  1.  Sympathetic nervous system                                                               
  2.  Parasympathetic nervous system
 i)Sympathetic nervous system:
  • Fight/flight situation(Abnormal)
  •  Activate in condition of fear, flight, fight 
  • Those system which active in abnormal situation of body and maintain the body 
example: Increase heart rate, decrease digestion rate etc.

ii)Parasympathetic nervous system:
  • Rest and Digest condition 
  • In this our body come back to normal condition after any abnormal situation.
  •  Also help to maintain the homeostasis of body.
  example:- increase digestion rate and normal heart rate etc.

-Both system are motory function of body.
-Both system are important to maintain the homeostasis and work of our body.

Sl. No Sympathetic
Nervous System
Nervous System
1 Involved in the fight or flight response Involved in maintaining homeostasis and also, permits
the test and digest response
2 prepare the body for any potential danger To bring the body to a state of calm
3 Increase heartbeat muscles tense up Reduces heartbeat, muscles relaxes
4 Pupil dilate Pupil contract
5 Saliva secretion is inhibited Saliva secretion increases, digestion increases
6 Neurotransmitter release: Adrenalin and
Neurotransmitter release: Acetylcholine

b) Neurohumoral Transmission, co-transmission and classification of neurotransmitters:

       Neurohumoral Transmission: 

                    Neuro-nerve/neuron, Humoral-chemical Messenger
  •  It is the process of transfer of any message or signal from one neuron to another neuron with the help of any messenger(neurotransmitter, hormones)
  •  For this purpose, firstly neurotransmitter synthesized and stored in vesicles in nerve terminals.
  •  Now, Neurohumoral transmission involves following steps:- 
      i)Impulse conductance: In this step impulse is generated by the process of "Action potential"

  • At resting state(when nerve impulse is not transmitted from neuron) resting transmembrane potential is -70mv
    •  Na+ ion have high concentration at outside the cell and more (+) charge at outside the plasma membrane.
    •    k+ ion have high concentration at inside the cell and more (-) ve charge at inside the plasma membrane.
        -Resting membrane potential-70m

  •   Depolarization: When any kind of stimulus detected, then it changes the resting membrane potential to less potential to less potential.(increase)
    • If stimulus change resting potential(-70mv) to (-55mv) then it is called threshold potential.
    • Threshold potential open Na+ ion channel, so Na+ ion enters the cell and (+)ve charge produce inside the cell and (-) ve at outside cell and it is called depolarization.
  • Repolarization: Stimulus continues increase the potential , now when potential reach at(+20mv to +30mv) it open k+ ion channel and k+ ion move outside the cells.
    • The ionic distribution is normalized during the refractory period by the activation of Na+ k+ pump
    •  the cycle of depolarization and repolarization is called Action potential.
    •   These action potential works 1000 times in one second.

ii)Transmitter release: 
  • Nerve impulse promotes fusion of Vascular and axonal membrane, through C++ entry which fluidized membranes.
  • This promotes exocytosis(transmitter release from vesicles) in synaptic cleft.
iii) Transmitter action on postjuction membrane: The transmitter release and attached with specific receptor on postjunctional membrane and depending on nature it induce two type of action- EPSP &IPSP

iv) Post Junctional Action
          a)EPSP(Excitatory postsynaptic potential) :
  • Increase in permeability to all cation-Na+ or Ca+ influx cause depolarization followed by k+ efflux
  • Nerve impulse, contraction in muscle, secretion in glands

    b) IPSP(Inhibitory postsynaptic potential):
  •  If inhibitory neurotransmitter act increase in permeability to smaller ion or anions k+ and Cl- moves in resulting  Hyperpolarization
  • Resist depolarizing stimulation

iv)Termination of transmitter action: Neurotransmitter is degraded locally or any other mechanism
                >It can also be degraded by enzymatic action.
e.g.:- Acetylcholine degraded by Cholinester 


Peripheral and central nervous system release more than one active substance when stimulated

Definition: Co-transmission is the release of several types of neurotransmitter from a single nerve terminal.
-It is a chemical substance that is released along with primary neurotransmitter
example:-In autonomic nervous system
  • Primary neurotransmitter: Ach, NA
  • Co-transmitter: Purines:-  ATP, Adenosine                    Peptides: vasoactive intestinal peptide 
#On release of acetylcholine(Ach), Glutamate, vasoactive intestinal peptide co-transmitter release

Classification of Neurotransmitter:-

C. Parasympathomimetics, Parasympatholytic, Sympathomimetics, Sympatholytics:

-These all are those drugs which act on Autonomic Nervous system and produce effect on it.
  • Adrenergic drugs[ Sympathomimetics]
  • Antiadrenergic drugs[Sympatholytics]
  • Cholinergic drugs[Parasympathomimetics]
  • Anti-cholinergic[Parasympatholytic]

1.Cholinergic drugs [Parasympathomimetics]

Parasympatho-parasympathetic nervous system, mimic -copy the action

  • These are those chemical agents or drugs which copy the action of parasympathetic nervous system
  • These drugs bind with cholinergic receptors and give their action.
  • Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter in the cholinergic system.
  • The neurons that synthesize, store and release of acetylcholine are called as cholinergic neurons.
The sites of release acetylcholine:-
  1. Ganglia-All the Preganglionic fibers of ANS
  2. Adrenal Medulla
  3. CNS-brain and spinal cord
  4. Skeletal muscles-somatic nerve endings supplying skeletal muscles.


#Cholinergic drugs are chemicals that act the same site as Ach and there by mimic its action. They are called as Parasympathomimetics.

Pharmacological Actions :
1.Cardiovascular system:-(M2 receptor)

  • Depress auricular muscles
  • Decrease contraction of bundle of his AV node
  • BP decrease due to vasodilation
  • Constrict the pupil and cause pupil.
  • Intraocular pressure decrease.
  • Used in Glaucoma

3. Skeletal Muscles:-
  • Constriction of skeletal muscle.
  • Useful in myasthenia gravis
4.Respiratory system:-
  • Bronchoconstriction
  • Induce Asthma
5.Gastrointestinal system:-
  • Contract smooth muscle of GIT.
  • Increase tone, motility and peristalsis movement.
  • increase salivary, pancreatic, liver, gall bladder and intestinal secretions.
Therapeutic uses:
  • Acetylcholine is rapidly destroyed in the gut.
  • On IV route, Ach is metabolized by pseudo-cholinesterase.
  • Acetylcholine is not used therapeutically except occasionally 1% eye drops to produce mitosis rapidly.
  • Atropine poisoning 
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Adverse effects:-
Parasympathomimetics may cause-
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Bradycardia/Hypotension
  • Cause Asthma.


Parasympatho - parasympathetic nervous system, lytics- oppose the effect
  • These are those drugs which inhibit the effect of acetylcholine or Parasympathomimetics by blocking the cholinergic receptors.

Pharmacological Actions:-

  • It can cross BBB(Blood Brain Barrier) so it can produce their effect CNS.
  • It cause respiratory depression.
  • Cause drowsiness and sedative effects.
2.Cardiovascular system:-
It block M receptors and cause:
  • Increase the heart rate.
  • Increase the conduction from SA node.
  • Cause Mydriasis 
4.Exocrine gland:-
  • Decrease secretion of salivary, bronchial, gastric, pancreatic, lacrimal and sweat gland,
  • rise in body temperature.
  • Reduce motility of GIT
  • Gastric Juice secretion reduced.
  • Used to treat peptic ulcer.
Therapeutic uses:-
  • Mydriasis
  • Anti-parkinsonism agent
  • Pre-anesthetic medication
  • Motion sickness
  • peptic ulcer
  • Bronchial Asthma
  • Anti-cold tablets.
Adverse effects-
  • Can cause glaucoma in some patients
  • Tachycardia.

3.Adrenergic drugs[ Sympathomimetics]

  • It involves Sympathomimetics drugs.
  • Sympatho- sympathetic nervous system, mimetics- copy the action 
  • These are those  chemical agents or drugs  which copy the action of sympathetic nervous system.
  • These drugs bind with adrenergic receptors [Alpha&Beta] and give their action.
  • e.g. Adrenaline
Pharmacological action

1.Cardiovasscular system:
  • Increase force of contraction
  • Increase in Heart rate
  • Increase in Cardiac output

2.Respiratory system
  • On  Î²2 receptor -Bronchodilation 
  • α1 receptor present in the blood vessels of nasal mucosa- cause vasoconstriction of nasal mucosa
3.Eye(α1 receptor)
  • Contraction of radial muscle of iris.
  • Relaxation of GI smooth muscles.
5.Urinary tract
  • Relaxation of Urinary bladder and closure of sphincter.
  • Urinary relaxation.
Mechanism of Action 

  • Both α and β adrenergic receptor are G-protein coupled receptor. Stimulation of  α receptor activates phospholipase c in the cell membrane which act through generation of second messengers inositol triphosphate(IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG) and increase intracellular calcium.
  • Stimulation of  β  receptor activates an enzyme adenylyl cyclase resulting in increased intracellular cyclic AMP. This second messenger acts through various intra cellular proteins to bring about the response.
  •  As Catecholamines are rapidly inactivated in the gut and the liver, they are not given orally .
  • Adrenaline and NA are metabolized by COMT and MOA
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Nasal decongestant
  • As a cardiac stimulant in case of sudden cardiac arrest
Adverse effect:
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • insomnia 
  • Blood pressure increase
  • contra-indicated in - Hypertsion, Diabetes, Arteriosterosis

4.Antiadrenergic drugs[Sympatholytics]

Sympatho-Sympathetic Nervous system lytic- oppose
  • These are those drugs which inhibit the effects of sympathomimetic drugs by blocking the receptor.
  • Adrenergic antagonists are of two types:- 1) α blockers, 2) β blockers
 Î± adrenergic blocking agent

α receptor antagonist block the adrenergic response mediate through α adrenergic receptor.

     Pharmacological action:
The Pharmacological action of α blockades by α-antagonists are:-
i) α1-blockers inhibits vasoconstriction leading to vasodilation and thereby decrease BP.
ii) α2-blockers enhances the release of Nor-Adrenaline which stimulate β receptors.
iii) Selective α1-blockers enhance Hypotension, tachycardia, increased cardiac output.
iv) Selective α2 -blockers results in increased Nor-Adrenaline release resulting in Hypertension.

    Adverse effect:
  • Palpitation
  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Miosis
  • postural hypotension
β-Adrenergic blocking agents:-

β-blockers are drugs that block the action of catecholamines mediated through the β receptor.
    Pharmacological action:-
i) β1 blockers, decrease heart rate.
ii) β2 blockers, cause bronchoconstriction.
iii) β3 blockers, block lipolysis & Glycogenolysis

    Adverse effect
  • Bardycardia
  • CCF
  • Rebound Hypertension
  • Dizziness.
Therapeutic uses:-

1) Î± blockers:- 
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • peripheral vascular disease
2.β blockers 
  • Angina pectoris
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Glaucoma

d. Neuromuscular Blocking agents and skeletal muscle relaxants

Neuromuscular Blocking agents

  • These are those agents or drugs which are used to block the Neuromuscular junction and inhibit the contraction of muscle and cause relaxation of muscles.
  • They are also known as skeletal muscle relaxants.

Neuromuscular Junction

  • It is the junction between the neuron and muscles in which, neurotransmitter release from neuron and bind with receptor present on muscle and cause contraction & movement.
#Neuromuscular blocking agent blocks this Neuromuscular junction.

  • generally used by doctor for relaxation of muscle during operation.
  • used to improve symptoms such as muscle spasm, pain and hyperreflexia.
  • used as a curare-for hunting animals.
  • used as a alternate of anesthetic.
 General procedure of muscle contraction

Skeletal muscle relaxants



  • These are non-competitive antagonist.
  • mostly used-succinylcholine as general clinical use.
  • succinylcholine does not hydrolyzed by Acetyl cholinesterase
   Mechanism of Action
  • The neuromuscular effects of Sch stimulates the NM nicotinic receptors and depolarizes the skeletal muscle membrane
  • Continued presence of the drug causes persistent depolarization resulting in flaccid paralysis

  Pharmacological Action

  • Muscle Twitching.
  • muscle  soreness.
  • Apnoea.
   Therapeutic uses: 
  • Adjuvants to general anesthesia.
  • Prevent trauma during electroconvulsive.
  • To control ventilation.
  Adverse effect
  • Muscle rigidity
  • prolonged Apnoea
  • nausea & vomiting
  • Muscle soreness

Non-depolarizing blockers:

  • The first neuromuscular blocking drugs was found-curare-used by south American hunter to paralyze the animals.
  • most used -d-Tubocurarine.
   Mechanism of Action

  • The non depolarizing blocker d-tubocurarine block the Neuromuscular nicotinic receptor on the motor end plate and block the action of acetylcholine
  • The d-tubocurarine is reversible. This can be done by increasing the concentration of agonist acetylcholine
Pharmacological Action:

1.Skeletal muscles:
  • Induced flaccid paralysis
  • paralyze acc to this order-muscles of face-eye-finger-limb-neck
  • recovery occurs in reverse order..
2.histamine release
  • d-tubocurarine has a greater tendency to liberate histamine from mast cells.
  • d-tubocurarine produce hypotension due to histamine release.
  • Gallamine cause tachycardia
4.Respiratory effect
  • Bronchospasm
#It can overcome or reverse by use of Neostigmine and pyridostigmine which increase the availability of Ach by inhibiting Acetylcholinesterase.

  Adverse effect:
  • Hypoxia 
  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Hypotension
  • constipation
  • Tachycardia 

E)Local Anaesthetic agents 

  • These are those drugs which blocks the neuronal conduction at any particular area in body.
  • They produce reversible loss of sensation 
  • Also cause muscular paralysis


Mechanism of Action

  • The main site of action for Local Anesthetics is cell membrane.
  • The Local Anesthetics is unionized form penetrate the nerve myenlinated sheath and membrane.

  • The action of Local Anesthetics depend on the ph. the penetration of Local Anesthetics is increased in alkaline ph. when Local Anesthetics is in the unionized form.
  • Sensory nerve fibers are block earlier than motor nerve fibers because of higher firing rate.

Pharmacological Action

1.Nervous System:-
    (i) Central nervous system : Local anesthetics can cross the blood brain barrier. Initially Local anesthetics cause the CNS stimulation and then depression in high dose
  • Local anesthetics cause excitement, tremor, restlessness.
  • Large doses of local anesthetic cause respiratory depression, Coma and death.
    (ii)Peripheral nerve : The order of nerve fiber affected are automatic fiber, pain, temperature, touch, pressure and motor nerve fibers.

2.Cardiovascular system
   (i)Heart: Local Anesthetics block the Na+ ion channels, decrease contractility, conductivity, heart rate and increase effective refractory period.
At the high concentration of local Anesthesia may precipitate the cardiac arrhythmia.
(ii)Blood vessels : It cause the hypotension by the vasodilation and myocardial depression.

Uses :

  • Loss of sensation(reduce pain)
  • Nerve block (block voltage gated Na+ channel)
  • Used as ointment, injection.

Adverse effects

  • Tounge numbness 
  • muscle twitching
  • Hypotension'
  • Redness of skin 
  • Asthma

f. Drugs Used in Myasthenia Gravis and Glaucoma

Drugs Used in Myasthenia Gravis 

  • A weakness and rapid fatigue of muscle
  • It is an auto-immune disorder, in which our immune system produce antibodies that block or destroy muscle's receptor
  • Breakdown in communication between nerves and muscles.
  • Weakness in the arms and legs muscles .
  • Double vision.
  • Difficulties with speech and chewing.
  • fatigue, shortness of breath.


Normal:- When myasthenia gravis not occurred and our body behave normal and contraction and relaxation happened normally normally in muscles.

Treatment of Myasthenia gravis:-

  • Anticholinesterase: use these drug to treat myasthenia gravis.
-cholinesterase inhibit the acetylcholine by hydrolysis
-So, when these drugs inhibit this enzymes concentration
 of Acetylcholine increase.
E.g. Pyridostigmine, Neostigmine
  • Immunosuppressant:  use these drugs to suppress the immune system to decrease the formation of antibodies.
e.g. - Cyclosparine- A, methotrexate
  • Corticosteroids: Decrease antibodies.
-Increase synthesis of nicotinic receptor                                 

  • Plasmapheresis: It is a technique used to treat myasthenia gravis.
-The plasma of the blood is exchange with substitute plasma, so antibodies remove from body and immune system does not attack the body's own tisssue.

Drugs Used in  Glaucoma

  • A Group of eye condition that can cause blindness(Loss of Vision).
  • In this, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain (Optical nerves) is damaged due to high eye pressure(intra ocular pressure).
  • Intra ocular pressure is more than 21 mmHg 

  • Eye Pain.
  • Mid-Dilated pupil.
  • Redness of the eye.
  • Vision loss, blurred vision
    Risk Factor
  • Increased pressure in the eye.
  • Due to genetic factor.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Excessive use of liquid diets(such as alcohols
  • Dilated eye examination.
  • two types :- 1) Open angle glaucoma. 2) Closed angle glaucoma
        1)Open angle glaucoma:
                - Also known as chronic and wide angle glaucoma.
  • gradual vision loss, 
  • optic nerve Damage.
2) Angle Closer Glaucoma:
        -Also known as acute and narrow angle glaucoma.
        -Flow of aqueous humor blocked.
  • Severe pain
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision

    -By decrease I.O.P(Intra Ocular pressure) {Decrease the production of aqueous humor and Increase the drainage of aqueous humor}
  1. α-agonist:- Decrease I.O.P by increasing the Uveoscleral (drainage of aqueous humor)outflow. Eg-Aprocloridine, Brominidine
  2. β-agonist:- Decrease I.O.P by decreasing the formation of aqueous humor. e.g.- Timolol, Betaxolol.
  3. Prostaglandin analogues:- Same as Î±-agonist decrease  I.O.P by decreasing Uveoscleral outflow. e.g. Latanoprost, Travoprast.
  4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Used orally decrease aqueous formation by decreasing bicarbonate ion in cilliary epithelium.Eg- Acetazolamide, dorzolamide
  5. Miotic agent: Decrease I.O.P by increasing ciliary muscle tone. (used rarely for glaucoma). e.g. pilocarpin
-:Thank You:-

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