CC - I : Discuss the role of Anasuya and Priyamvada in Kalidasa's play Abhijnanashakuntalam

In Kalidasa's play "Abhijnanashakuntalam", Shakuntala's bosom and pretty companions Anasuya and Priyamvada perform the supportive role of helping her through the first experience of love. In fact, they have a heart-to-heart connection with one another. Anasuya and Priyamvada are representatives of Shakuntala's personality. The two companions are drawn with delicate taste; they are clearly differentiated, appropriate to their names. Anasuya (meaning "without envy") is serious and decisive and Priyamvada ( meaning "sweet talker") is playful and vivacious; and yet both are equally devoted to Shakuntala.

                 Anasuya and Priyamvada Pervade in the first half of the life of Shakuntala in the hermitage of the sage Kanva. The former acts as the help to Shakuntala in distress, logically handling every situation; it is she who narrates the story of Shakuntala birth to the king Duhsanta, there by clearing the doubt (i.e. Shakuntala is marriageable) the letter is entrusted to speak with the king and to placate the reached sage Durvasa's(in act IV) according to the instruction of Anasuya. Shakuntala's secret restive emotions are given voice by her companions they seize every opportunity to promote their lave while maintaining proper decorum of the hermitage.

                    Both the friends are deeply attached to Shakuntala. This attachment has grown out of their constant sharing of their feelings, emotions and ideas pleasant and painful, which helped them cement their relationship. We find them deeply sad at the departure of Shakuntala--

Shakuntala: (approaches her friend ) I leave her in your hands, dearest friends.

Friends: and in whose hand are you leaving as dearest?(they burst into tears)

At the end of act IV, both Anasuya and Priyamvada cannot be are the pangs of separation from Shakuntala. After this they never again appear in the Play. It is commonly held that king Duhsanta in act V, cannot recognize Shakuntala and accompanied by Anasuya and Priyamvada.

                    Both the maids are different in temperament. While Anasuya is more thoughtful and grave, showing greater maturity and understanding Priyamvada in vivacious, emotional and given to jokes in bantering manner to Shakuntala. Anasuya is much more prudent then Priyamvada. She has an insight to analyse human character in the penance-grove. Priyamvada is deprived of this qualify.

                To sum up, the romantic sage of Duhsanta and Shakuntala would not have develop without Anasuya and Priyamvada. The perform a highly functional role in the Play. Both of them act as friend, philosopher and guide to Sakuntala.



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