Physical Pharmaceutics 4th sem mcq (Rheology)


1. Flocculated suspensions exhibit the flow of a type:

A. Dilatant.

B. Newtonian.

C. Plastic.

D. Pseudoplastic.

Ans :- C

2. Dilatant flow is characterized as a reverse phenomenon of:

A. Newtonian flow.

B. Plastic flow.

C. Pseudoplastic flow.

D. Rheopexy.

Ans :- C

3. Deflocculated suspension with exhibits the flow of high concentration of the dispersed solids.

A. Dilatant.

B. Newtonian.

C. Plastic.

D. Pseudoplastic.

Ans :- A

4. Antithixotropy, the down-curve is frequently positioned to: (with respect to up curve):

A. Left.

B. Origin.

C. Right.

D. Superimposable.

Ans :- C

5. At equilibrium, the thixotropic behavior of a Pseudoplastic system exhibit the state of:

A. Gel.

B. Paste.

C. Sol.

D. Wax.

Ans :- C

6. Which one of the following physical property is NOT a rheological property:

A. Body and slip.

B. Surface tension.

C. Spreadibility.

D. Viscosity.

Ans :- B

7. The Pseudoplastic flow behavior can be explained by:

A. Apparent viscosity.

B. Yield value.

C. Hysteresis loop.

D. Area of hysteresis loop.

Ans :- A

8. Brook-field viscometer is an example of type:

A. cone and plate

B. extrusion

C. rotating sphere

D. Rotating spindle

Ans :- D

9. The system that undergoes gel-to-sol transformation is known as:

A. Permanent deformation.

B. Shear thinning.

C. Elastic.

D. Shear thickening.

Ans :- B

10. The type of viscosity specified in 1.P. (Ostwald viscometer) is:

A. Absolute viscosity.

B. Kinematic viscosity.

B. Dynamic viscosity.

D. Viscosity coefficient.

Ans :- B

11. After giving the i.m. injection of procaine penicillin G, the process of forming a depot in the muscle is due to:

A. High yield value.

C. Low yield value.

B. Low consistency.

D. Rapid thixotropic recovery.

Ans :- D

12. In general, Newtonian fluids are expressed in terms of viscosity. A corresponding expression in non-Newtonian fluids (in terms of viscosity) is:

A. Apparent.

B. Dynamic.

C. Intrinsic.

D. Kinematic.

Ans :- A

13. Fluidity is a term associated with Newtonian fluids. An equivalent term in plastic flow fluids is:

A. Apparent viscosity.

B. Mobility.

C. Viscosity.

D. Flexibility.

Ans :- B

14. Intramuscular depot injections should have the following Rheological characteristics.

A. Dilatant beh aviour.

B.Thixotropic behaviour.

C. Rheopectic behaviour.

D. Shear thickening behaviour.

Ans :- B

15. The Reynolds number widely used to classify flow behavior of fuids is the ratio of which on of the following.

A. Inertial force to viscous force.

B. Viscous force to inertial force.

C. Gravitational force to viscous force.

D. Viscous force to gravitational force.

Ans :- A

16. Which property measured the resistance a of liquid to flow.

A. Density.

B. Viscosity.

C. Solubility.

D. Volume.

Ans :- B

17. What is the correct definition of Pseudoplastic liquid ?

A. A liquid which become less viscous as the rate of shear increases.

B. A liquid which become more viscous as the rate of shear increases.

C. A liquid which become less viscous overtime when a constant shear stress is applied.

D. A liquid which become more viscous overtime when a constant shear stress is applied.

Ans :- A

18. What is the role of Xanthan gum within some liquid formulation.

A. Regulate pH.

B. Control viscosity.

C. Enhance solubility.

D. Enhance stability.

Ans :- B

19. Starch is ……….as its viscosity decreased with increased in shear stress.

A. Bingham.

B. Dilatant.

C. Newtonian fluids.

D. Pseudoplastic.

Ans :- D

20. Which is the following name of actual viscometer ?

A. Capillary tube.

B. Plate and cone.

C. Coaxial cylinder.

D. All of the mentioned.

Ans :- D

21. Which fluid having a constant viscosity depend on the temperature but independent on applied shear rate.

A. Newtonian.

B. Non-Newtonian.

C. Dry.

D. Wet.

Ans :- A

22. Property of fluid that describes its internal resistance is known as:

A. Viscosity.

B. Friction.

C. Resistance.

D. Internal energy.

Ans :- A

23. Stress strain relationship for Newtonian fluid is:

A. Hyperbolic.

B. Parabolic.

C. Linear.

D. Inverse type.

Ans :- C

24. For non-Newtonian fluid, apparent viscosity is a function of:

A. Shear rate.

B. Flow rate.

C. Viscous rate.

D. Specific rate.

Ans :- A

25. Deforming force is applied externally, while stress is development internally.

A. True.

B. False.

Ans :- A

26. What’s that means of Rheo ?

A. Fluid.

B. Flow.

C. Plastic.

D. Stress.

Ans :- B

27. It states that “the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain”.

A. Newton law of flow.

B. Non-Newtonian law of flow.

C. Newton law.

D. Non-Newtonian law.

Ans :- A

28. Ratio of shear force to the cross sectional area required for flow is known as...

A. Kinematic viscosity.

B. Dilatant.

C. Viscosity.

D. Shear stress.

Ans :- D

29. It is the ratio of viscosity of the fluid to its density is called as...

A. Viscosity.

B. Temperature.

C. Kinematic viscosity.

D. Rate of shear.

Ans :- C

30. It is a phenomenon in which, gel formation take place more readily when gently shaken is known as ?

A. Pseudoplastic.

B. Rheopexy.

C. Rheology.

D. Boltzmann’s.

Ans :- B

31. What’s that the means of “tropy". ?

A. Shake.

B. Study.

C. Movement.

D. Change.

Ans :- D

32. It is a branch of science in which, study about the flow ...

A. Rheopexy.

B. Rheology.

C. Thixotropy.

D. Plastic.

Ans :- B

33. Negative thixotropy is also known as...

A. Non-thixotropy.

B. Antithixotropy.

C. Thixis.

D. Isothermal.

Ans :- B

34. Those substance which follow plastic flow is called as ?

A. Bingham bodies.

B. Coaxial cylinder.

C. Flexibility.

D. Mobility.

Ans :- A

35. It is defined as change in velocity between two layers of liquid which is separated by distance is called...

A. Shear stress.

B. Rate of shear strain.

C. Viscosity.

D. Density.

Ans :- B

36. Those substance which can swell in in the presence of water give ...

A. Flocculate.

B. Deflocculated.

C. Wet.

D. Bulges.

Ans :- D

37. Pseudoplastic flow is also known as ?

A. Strain thinning system.

B. Strain thickening system.

C. Shear thinning system.

D. Shear thickening system.

Ans :- C

38. The amount of shear stress are required to break the floccules is called as ?

A. Yield value.

B. Flocculated.

C. Deflocculated.

D. Floccules.

Ans :- A

39. Which flow “viscosity increase when increased shear stress” is known as...

A. Pseudoplastic flow.

B. Plastic flow.

C. Flow of fluid.

D. Dilatant flow.

Ans :- D

40. Which flow “viscosity increase when increase the shear stress” is known as...

A. Pseudoplastic flow.

B. Plastic flow.

C. Flow of fluid.

D. Dilatant flow.

Ans :- A

41. In some highly structured thixotropic material the bulged curve actually developed into...

A. Flocculate.

B. Deflocculated.

C. Spur

D. Bulges.

Ans :- C

42. Which thixotropy, “viscosity of system is increase on applying shearing stress and when we remove shearing stress re-again its viscosity”.?

A. Positive thixotropy.

B. Negative thixotropy.

C. Antithixotropy.

D. Both B & C.

Ans :- D

43. Which is the property exhibited by some non newtonian pseudoplastic fluid ?

A. Thixotropy.

B. Gel.

C. Bulges.

D. Sol.

Ans :- A

44. Which flow, when we apply shear stress initially their are no change in shear strain until Shear stress

reached yield value is known as...

A. Pseudoplastic flow.

B. Plastic flow.

C. Flow of fluid.

D. Dilatant flow.

Ans :- B

45. A limitation that is NOT related to the falling sphere viscometer:

A. Applicable to only less viscous liquids.

B. Large volume of sample is required.

C. Needs the sample to be transparent.

D. Plug flow.

Ans :- D

46. Thixotrophy is ______ system

A. Shear thining system

B. Shear thickening system

D. Both

E. None

Ans :- A

47. Unit of kinematic viscosity is _____

A. Dyne • s / m

B. Dyne / cm2

C. Poise

D. Stoke

Ans :- D

48. The term rheology was invented by

A. Bingham and Crawford

B. Newton

C. Michaelis and Menten

D. Watson and Crick

Ans :- A

49. The effect of temperature on the viscosity (η) of a liquid is expressed by

A. Stoke’s Law

B. Newton’s law

C. Arrhenius equation

D. Michaelis Menten equation

Ans :- C

50. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of liquid……………

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Sustainly increases

D. Remains constant

Ans :- A

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