1)General Pharmacology
a) Introduction to pharmacology
- It is the branch of science which deal with the study of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics.
- It is all about study about study of drug and effect of drug on body and body's response for the drugs.
(i) Pharmacology: it is the branch of the science which deal with the study of uses, effects and mode of action of drugs.
(ii) Clinical Pharmacology: study of the drugs with their clinical uses.
(iii) Drugs: a medicine or other substance which give therapeutic effect when ingested into body.
(iv) Pharmacokinetics: it is a branch of pharmacology concern with the movement of drug in body or study about (ADME) adsorption distribution metabolism excretion of drug in body.
(v) Pharmacodynamics: it is a branch of pharmacology concerned with the effect of drug on body (what does drug do to the body)
(vi) Toxicology: the branch of science concern with the study of the poisons, toxic substances and their antidote or treatment.
(vii) Chemotherapy-it is the branch in which we study about the use of chemical drugs for the disease (effect of drugs).
(viii) Adverse reaction: in Pharmacology, any unexpected or dangerous reaction to a drug.
An unwanted if it caused by the administration of a drug.
(ix) Bioavailability: it is defined as, "the rate and extent to who is the active substance absorbed from a pharmaceutical from and becomes available at the site of action.
Historical Landmarks
- The knowledge of drugs and their uses for disease are old as history of mankind.
- Primitive man(Ancient) gather the knowledge of healing and medicines by observing the nature, noticing the animals while ill and personal experience after consuming plants and herbs as remedies.
- They discovered that extracts from plants, animals and minerals had medicinal had medicinal effects on body tissue.
- Hippocrates(460-375BC) A Greek physician consider "father of Medicines".
- He was the first person who recognize disease as abnormal reaction of body.
- He introduce use of metallic salts for the treatment of disease
- Paracelsus(1493-1541) Grandfather of pharmacology he introduces the use of chemicals for treatment of disease
Modern Pharmacology
- Oswald Schmiedeberg(1838-1921)- Father of pharmacology
- He established pharmacology as an independent discipline.
- estimation of chloroform in blood.
- John Jacob Abel (1857-1938)
- Isolation of histamine from pituitary.
- Preparation of pure crystalline.
- Paul Enrich(1854-1915
- Paul Enrich was a Nobel prize winner - Father of chemotherapy.
- Find a cure for syphilis in 1909 (used arsenical for syphilis).
- Alexander Fleming (881-1955)
- Scottish physician.
- He discovered world's first broadly effective antibiotic substance which he named penicillin.
- Ramnath Chopra(1882-1973)
- He was an Indian medical service officer(IMS).
- Father of Indian Pharmacology.
- System study of Indian medicinal Plant.
Scope Of Pharmacology
- Study about drugs and their actions.
- Study about disease or disorder which is comes under pathophysiology.
- Study about Pharmacodynamics, what is the effects of drug to the body in which study about both desirable and undesirable effects of Drug
- Study about Pharmacokinetics, what does body to do the drug(ADME).
- So, In present time their are many scopes in pharmacology such as research, Industries and academics etc.
- Study of clinical Pharmacology, in which we study contraindication of drugs, their Bioavailability and also about posology.
- Study of forensic science
- Their are also great scope of Pharmacology in research such as, Drug development, Drug discovery and clinical trials.
- Drug development:- Development of new drugs or discovery for new drugs
- then clinical trials first is pre clinical(according to their phase) trials(drugs applied on animals) then second trials for humans if suitable or pass in pre-clinical trials.
- Pharmacogenomics:- It is use of genetic information to guide the choice of drug & dose it helps in drug discovery and minimize adverse drug reaction.
- Pharmacogenetics: It is study of genetic basis for variability in drug response, it also helps in development of drugs
- Pharmacology is the Backbone of Medicine
Nature And Sources of Drugs
- Inorganic drugs- some drugs are of inorganic nature, e.g. Ferrous sulphate, Lithium carbonate etc.
- Organic drugs:- Majority of drugs are of organic compounds it may be
- It may be - weakly acidic (aspirin, penicillin) or weakly basic (basic), or non-electrolytes (alcohols etc )
- Mostly drugs are normally solids, e.g. Paracetamol, ampicillin etc. but liquids, and few like nitrous oxide are gaseous.
- the molecular weight of majority of drugs in the range of 100-100D
=According to their action:-
- Presentive:- These drugs which used to present the cause of the disease.
- Symptomatic: Those drugs which used to treat the symptom of that disease.
- Diagnostic:- Those drugs which helps to determine the treatment or causes of disease.
- Curative: Those drugs which used in treatment of any disease
- Health Maintenance: Those drugs which help to maintain our health.
- Plants:-Many plants contain biologically active substances and are the oldest sources of drugs.
- E.g. Tulsi(Used for cough treatment &cold remedies), Neem(antimicrobial activity)
- Animals:-Though animal parts have been used as cured since early times
- Used for making vaccines.
- Used of insulin for control diabetes.
- E.g. Thyroxine, insuline, Liver extracts(vit.B12)
- Microbes:-Most antibiotics are obtained from fungi, Bacteria etc.
- e.g. Penicillin, bacteria etc.
- Some times vaccines are also produced by the use of microbes.
- Minerals:-their are many more minerals which is used as a medicinal substances
- e.g. Iron(Anemia), Zinc(Wound healing), Iodine(Antiseptic), Silver (Immunity booster ) etc.
- Synthetic:- It is the largest sources of medicines
- It has the advantages of purity and uniformity of the product, they can be manufactured as per need.
- e.g. fluoroquinolones, Bismuth iodine etc.
- Biotechnology:- In which, combined biological organism with technology and generate new drugs.
- e.g peptides are now produce by recombined DNA Technology.
- Human growth hormone
- Human Insulin.
Essential Drug Concepts and Routes of drug administration
- Definition:- Thses are those drugs which satisfy the priority health care needs of the population
- Criteria:- They are selected with due regard to:-
- Public health relevance.
- Clinical evidence on efficacy and safety
- Comparative cost effective [individual & community can afford]
- Available at all time in adequate amount
- Appropriate dosage form
- Assured quality and adequate information.
- India proposed its first list in 1996, and has revised it in 2011, and now in April 2015 with the title name "national list of essential medicines". [includes 376 medicines]
- The WHO Updates the list in every two Years.
- It can be differ from country to country due to change their environment.
- e.g.
- Acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin)
- Paracetamol
- Ibuprofen
- Morphine etc.
- Activated Charcoal used as a Antidote
Routes of Drug Administration

- Topical route In this, drug is applied externally on the surface of skin and give localized action.
- Advantages:
- Apply for local action.
- More convenient as well as encouring to patient.
- Painless, safe, cheap, useful for childs.
- Disadvantages
- Slow action
- Same Drugs cause irritation
- Drug can be efficiently delivered to the localized lesion on skin, in the form of lotion..
- Inhalation /Nasal
- Rectal/Vaginal
- In which, Special types of drug preparation is injected into rectum and vagina to give their local action on it
- Also some part is absorbed in systemic circulation so it is also include in systemic.
- E.g. suppositories, or Enema etc.
- Advantages
- Given to unconscious patients.
- Ideal if drug cause vomiting.
- Disadvantages
- Cause irritation
- not a well accepted.
- Auricular(Ear/eyes/ear cannel)
- In this, drug is introduced into body cavity like ear, eye, and produce a local effect in it
- Eg, drops, ointment and sometimes suspensions.
- Enteral:- It means through intestinal. In which drug pass through intestine then reach into blood
- It shows First pass metabolism
- First Pass Metabolism:- In which drug directly goes into liver after intestine through portal vein, in which drug metabolize and their bioavailability will be decrease
- Oral route: It is the oldest and simplest method for drugs adminstration0. in which drugs is directly swell through mouth and it reach in systemic by passing G.I.T.
- Both solid dosage form(powders, Tablets, Capsules etc..) and liquid dosage form(elixirs, syrups, emulsions etc.) can be given orally.
- Advantages:-
- safe, more convenient, does not need assistance
- Painless, cheap & cost effective
- Easily Available
- Disadvantages:-
- Slow responses due to first pass metabolism
- Not suitable for emergencies
- Cannot be used for unconscious patients
- Parental :- par-beyond, Enteral- Intestinal.
- In this drug is reaches into blood stream other than intestinal routes.
- It follow Bypass metabolism
- Bypass Metabolism:- In which drug directly reaches into blood then reach at site of action through circulation without passing intestine &Liver
- Sublingual/Buccal route: It may be in the part of enteral.
- The tablet or pellet containing the drug is placed under the tongue/ crushed in the mouth and spread over the mucosa, which further absorbed into the blood.
- only lipid soluble drug can be administrated; also it is on-irritating.
- Advantages:-
- Rapid action.
- It follows bypass metabolism.
- Disadvantages:-
- Inconvenient for patient.
- Injections:
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