2marks Question of Abhijnanashakuntalam


1. What is the significance of the name of Sakuntala?

-After birth/when abandon on birth, Sakuntala is looked after by birds that encircle protectively so that she remains unharmed until the sage Kanva finds her and names Sakuntala because she was first adopted by the birds who cared to her. It is the significance of the name of Sakuntala.

2.What is Nandi?

- Sanskrit writers generally introduce their works with a benediction or solution to their deity. In Sanskrit Drama this purpose is served by the the Nandi which is enjoined by Bharat as necessary for the removal of the work undertaken. 

3.What is the location of Kanva's hermitage?

-Kanva's hermitage is located /situated in deep forest at the foothills of the Himalaya by river Malini.

4. In which Title the first act the play is entitled? 

- The first act the play is entitled "The chase".

5. How does the charioteer compare king Dushanta chasing and hunting deer?

-The charioteer compares king Dushanta chasing deer with Pinaki, the lord Shiva, hunting deer.

6. Name Sakuntala's Mother & Father?

- Sakuntala's mother name is Apsara Menaka and father name is The Great Sage Vishvamitra .

7.How does Dushanta introduce himself to the girls?

- Dushanta introduces himself to the girls as one well educated man in Vedas whom the Paurava monarch has appointed as minister in charge in Religious Affairs.

        Dushanta says that he is well versed in the Vedas and has been appointed as Minister in charge of Religious affairs by the Paurava Monarch. In the course of visiting the holly retreats, he happens to come to the Holy groves. This how he introduces himself to the girls of the hermitage.

8. Where did Kanva go and why when Dushanta visit his hermitage?

- Kanva went to Soma-tirtha to propitiate the adverse fate threating Sakuntala's happiness 

9.How did King Dushanta Understand he comes near to Kanva's hermitage?

-King Dushanta understand that he was very near to the penance groves by that tranquility and fecundity of the environment around him that is flowing and rippling waters, parrots-built nest, moist and glossy stones, tranquil haunts of Dear etc.

10.What kind of tax do the hermits give to the King?

-The hermits give the imperishable six parts that is there holiness to the king. They pay a tribute far rather than a heap of priceless gems for the protection the kings provide them.

11. Who is Karabhaka? What kind of news did he bring to king Dushanta?

-Karabhaka is the messenger of queen the Dushanta's mother. He brought the news that to king Dushanta's mother will break the fast which she have undertaken for on the fourth day after present day queen majesty shall break the fast-

        " The safeguarding of the son's succession so king Dushanta to remain present on this occasion with out fails.

12."blame your budding youth that's making your bosoms well"=- Who says this statement and to whom? Why does the speaker say so?

-Priyamvada say's this statement to Sakuntala.

When Sakuntala says her dearest friends Anusuya and Priyamvada that her bark-garment is so tight, she feel quite uncomfortable, Please loose it a little this time Priyamvada say so.

 The speaker says so because Sakuntala tells that Priyamvada has tied bark-garment so tight that she feels quite uncomfortable and she asks Anusuya to loosen it a little.

14."Her arms droop, languid"- Who is describing this lines and by whom? What is the cause behind such feelings?

-Sakuntala describe in this lines by King Dushanta.

the cause behind such feelings is the Kings deep love for Sakuntala.

15."Required to perform duties in places widely separated...into two streams"- Who is the speaker? What is the significance of these lines?

- King Dushanta is the speaker.

This lines signify that the king is in a fixed puzzled, that is he in two minds regarding his obligation of his mother's command on one hand and his commitments to the holly sages on the other hand. he compares his situation with a Trisanku held in mid air, suggesting their by that neither mothers command nor his duty to holly sages may be ignore.

16."Summer's heat can strike as savage as love"-Who is the speaker? What does this line hint at?

-King Dushanta is the speaker .

This line hints at the fact that the heat of the sun and the heat of love are equal. In other words the afflictions of love can affect one as intensely as the scorching rays of the sun. Dushanta makes this comment when he finds Sakuntala's body racked with pain of love.

17. "do not my friend/take in earnest what was spoken merely ingest"- Who request whom top do what and why?

-The image contended in the line symbolically suggest the peaceful serenity of the holy grove is turned into wild confusion. The intrusion of tusker indicates a kind od hindrance to the grove of penance.

18.Who is Goutami?

-Goutami is an aged austere hermit lady in the hermitage of Kanva she is regarded as the mother of hermitage. She performs like a mother figure to all the sons & daughter of hermitage.

19. What is the meaning and significance of the name Anusuya and priyamvada?

-The meaning of Anusuya's name is one who is not a depreciator of once merits. In other words her name suggest that she is such a character who does not speak of the faults of others.

Priyamvada's name is one who is speak sweet words.

20.Who advises Sakuntala to write a love letter? What is the content of the love letter?

-Priyamvada advises Sakuntala to write a love letter.

The content of the love letter is as follows Sakuntala says that though she does not know her heart yet she is constantly haunted by love for king and yearns to be one with him.

21.Which ritual of marriage do king Dushanta and Sakuntala follow?/ How did their marriage solemnizes? What is Gandharva Marriage?

-Gandharva ritual of marriage do king Dushanta and Sakuntala.

Gandharva marriage is based on love and mutual agreement. King Dushanta and  and Sakuntala follow the Gandharva ritual of Marriage. 

The Gandharva rite refers to the marriage which takes place by mutual love and consent of the lovers. No ceremony or consent of the lovers. No ceremony or consent of the family is required. It is more less a form of marriage reserved for warriors.

It is recognise in Manasmriti as legal marriage.

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