Biochemistry Short Question for B.pharm

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 Short Question  :                                                 (2Marks)

1.Give The Propaties of Enzyme

 - The propaties of Enzymes are
  •  Enzyme are bio-catalyst
  •  The increase the rate of reaction although they are not changed in the reaction.
  • They are protien in nature .
  • They are specific in their action     
2.What are Isoenzymes?Give example.
    -  Isoenzymes are enzyme that catalyze identical chemical reaction but they differ in their amino  acid sequence
Example- Lactate dehydrogenase
3.Give the diagnostic importance of enzyme
 -The diagnostic importance of enzymes are
  •  To detct the presence or absence of marker enzyme.
  • change in enzyme concentration
  • To detect any lekage from all to blood.
  • To estimate isoenzyme activity      
4.Give the Therapeutic importance of enzyme 
    - The theraputic importance of enzyme are 
  •  They can be used to treat importance rare &deadly disease
  •  It is used to treat cancer
  •  It is used as antineoplastic agent 
  •  To cure reperfusion injuries.
5.Write the significance of line-weavr bark plot
 -The importance of line-weavr burk plot
  • To determine important terms in enzyme kietic
  • Accurate information about inhibition
  • It increase the pracision by linearizing the data
6.Define enzyme induction
- It is a process in which a molecule induces the expression of an enzyme .It can be define as the increase in the biosynthesis of catalytically active enzyme following exposure of the organism to chemical agents or physiological condition .
7.Define enzyme repression
- Enzyme repression is when the repressor molecules prevent the manufacture of an enzyme .Repression typically aperates by feedback inhibition.
8.Give the significance of HMP pathway  
 - The significance of HMP pathway are:
  • It producing NADPH+ H+ which participating in reductive anabolic pathway.
  • It provides Ribose 5 phosphate for the purine biosynthesis .
  • In HMP shunt few molecules of glycolytic interunidiates are produced ,they are directly  involved in glycolysis.
  • It is also useful for steroid synthesis.
9.Write the types of diabetes mellitus
- The Types of diabetes mellitus are :
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • prediabetes
  • Gestational diabets
10.Write the amphibolic nature of krebs cycle 
  - The amphibolic nature of kreb's cycle are :
  • It involve both anabolism & catabolism, 
  • in TCA cycle energy is both consumed & produced 
11.What is galactosuria ,name the enzyme involve it .
  -  galactosuria is a condition where glucose is present in urine 
   enzyme involved : i)Gaalactose-1-phosphate ii)uridyl transferase
12.Give the enzyme and co-enzyme present in the pyuravate dehydrogenase complex
 - Enzyme present : pyruvate  dehydrogenase 
                            Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase                                                         co-enzyme  :   CoAsh.

13.Give the biological significance of carbohydrates .
  •   The carbohydrates are alarge group of 0.c made up of dryness.
  • they are used in plants as a source of energy.
14.Define and Name the essential fatty acids 
  - An unsaturated fatty acid that is esential to human health,but can't be manufactured in the body.
   - The essential fatty acids  are:
  • α-linolenic acid 
  • linolenic acid
  • steradoric acid 
  • Di -homo-X-linolenic acid
  • Arachnoidonic acid 
15.What is the role of carnitine in fatty acid metabolism
  -   As the inner mitochondrial membrane  is important to fatty acid ,A  specialized carnitine carrier system operates to transported activated fatty acids from cytosol to the mitochondria.
16.What is   α-oxidation of fatty acids .
  -  α-oxidation of fatty acids is defined as the oxidation of fatty acids with the removal of one carbon unit adjacent to the α-carbon from the carboxylic end in the from of CO2.In  α-oxidation the substrate is phytaric acid .
17.Name the bile salts & give  then signification.
  - The bile salts  are : cholic acids,glycholic acids, deoxycholic acids,taurocholic acids.
  significance -
  • An incresed secratioon of bile acids produces an increase in bile flow.
  • Digestion of dietary fat and oils 
 18.What is Ketogenesis.
   It is a biochemical processthrough which organism produce Ketone bodies,through breakdown of fatty acid and ketogenic amino acid .This proces supplies energy under circumstances such as fasting or caloric restriction to certain organs particularly the brain heart &skeletal muscle .

19.Name the essential amino acid
  • Arginin 
  • Histamine 
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysin
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
20.Write the Physiological function of serotinin
  -  The Physiological function of serotinin
  •  It appears to aplay a key role in maintaining mood balance  
  •  Low serotinin level have been linked to depression 
  •  It is an important chemical & Neurotransmittter
  •  It also help to regrate apetite & digestion,sleep,memory
21.What is phenylketoneuria
     -phenylketonuria is the most common metabolic disorder in amino acid metabolism .the incidence of PKU is in 10,000 births It is due to the deficiency of hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase .

22.What is alkeptonuria?
  - Alkaptonuria is also known as black urine disease .It is due to the defective enzyme in alkeptonuria is  homogentisate oxidase in thyosin metabolism.Homogentisate accumalates in tissue &blood is excreted into urine. Further it polymerize to give black or brown in colour.For this reason the patients suffering from alkaptonuria resebles their urine coke in colour.

23. What is hyperbilrubinnemia?
 -The state of excressive amount of the bile pigment bile pigment bilurubin in the blood visibly manifested as jaundice. A yellowish discolouration of the skin sclera& mucus membrane due to accumulation of bilirubin pigment.
24. Name the Bile pigment 
  • Bilirubin
  • Biliverddin
25.Define Nucleosides & Nucleotides
      -A compund that consists of a purine or pyrimidine base combined with pentose  sugar is fond especially in DNA or RNA
      -A compound that consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group .Nucleotides from the basic structural unit of nucleic acid.

26.What is translation & transcription
       -The biosynthesis of a protine or a polypeptide in a living cell is reffered as trasnlation. The genetic informaton stored in DNA is passed on to RNA & ultimately expressed in the language of protiens.
     -The word gene refers to the functional unit of the DNA . It is a process in which riboneuclic acid is synthesized ,from DNA .Thus ,the genetic information/ stored in DNA is expressed through RNA.

27. What is Okazaki fragments.
      - Okazaki fragments are short sequences of DNA nucleotides which are synthesized Discontinuously and later linked togethar by the enzyme DNA  ligase to create the lagging strand during DNA replication.
28.Name the chain terminating codons .
      -  A set of three adjacent bases in the DNA or their complementar bases in messenger RNA that specifies the end of a polypeptide chain.
     The three chair terminating codons are UAA,UAG &UGA.
29. What are the functions of t-RNA.
       - The functions of t-RNA are-
  •  To read the message of nucleic acids ,or nucleotides.
  •  The process of making a protien from an m-RNA, template is called transalation.
30. Name the end products of pyrimidine metabolism .
   - The end products of pyrimidine metabolism are 
  • β-Alanine
  • β-amino isobutyrate 
31. What is denaturation & renaturation of protien.
   -Denaturation : The phenomenon of disorganisation of native protein structure is known as denaturation. Denaturation result in the loss of secondary, tertiary & quaterary structure of protiens.
  -Renaturation :Reanaturation is the process by which unfolded proteins are returned to the native state.       
32. End products of purine metabolism
  - Uric Acid

33. What is Gout .
  -Gout is  a matabolic disorder of purine of purine metabolism, characterized intermitent attack of acute pain ,swelling and inflamation due to over production of uric acid  

34.Write the propeties of protien.
 - The propeties of protiens are
  • Denaturation
  • Coagulation 
  • Isoellectric pH
  • Molecullar weight .
35.What is isoelectric point .
  -The isoelectrical point is the pH at which a particular molecular carries no  net electrical charge or b electricaly netural in the stastical mean.

36. Write the  biological significance of protien .
  -The biological importance of protein are :
  •  They are coded for by our genes & form the basis of living tissue
  •  They also play a central role in biological process .
  •  protein catalyses reaction in our bodies.
  •  keep us healthy as part of the immune system of transmit message from cell  to cell
37.Write any two biochemical fuction of biotion.
   - The Two biochemical function of biotin are
  • It plays a special role in enabling the body to use blood glucose as a major source of energy for body fluid.
  • It also activates protien /amino acid metabolism in the hair roots &fingernails cells.
38.What is artherosclerosis
  -It is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as the result of a build up of fatty materials such as cholestrol. It is due to the accumulation of macrophage 

39.What is fatty liver.
   -Fatty acid disease also known as hepatic steatosis is a conddition where excess fat builds up in the liver .This damage the liver preventing it removing toxins & producing bile for the digestion.

40.What are lipotropic factors. name them.
  -Lipotropic compounds are those that help catalyse the breakdown of fat during metabolism in the body .
 They are:
  • Choline 
  • Betain
  • Methionine
  • Essential fatty acid
41. Name the glucogenic amino acids .
  - the glucogeniic amino acid are
  •  Alanine 
  •  Arginine
  • Asparagine
  • Aspartic acid
  • cysteine
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
42. Name the Ketogenic acid .
  • Lucine
  • Lysin
43.Write four differences between DNA&RNA
               DNA             RNA
It is double standard It is single standard
Thymine is present
Uracile is present
Contaims deoxyribose sugar Contains ribose sugar
Stable under alkaline condition RNA is not stable

50.Write the composition of Lecithin&Cephalin.
   -  composition of lecithin-
  • phosphotidylcholine 
  • phosphotidyl inositol
  • phosphotidyl ethanolamine 
  • phosphotidyl serine 
  • phosphotidyl acid
    composition of cephalin-
  •  phosphotidyal serine
  •  phosphotidyal ethanolamine
  •  mixtures of phosphotides
51.Name the structure & biochemical function of cyclic AMP
 - Phenylalanine hydroxylase
52. Define Vmax and write its significance .
    - Vmax is the reaction rate when the enzyme is fully satturated by substrate ,indicating that all the binding sites are beimg constantly reoccupied 
  • Vmax reveals the turnover number of an enzyme.
53.Define Km and write its Significance.
  -  Km is the concentration of substrate which permits the enzyme to acieve half Vmax
  •   It is used as a measure of an enzyme affinity for its subrate
  • It also provides an ideaa of the strength of binding of the substrate to enzyme molecule.
54.Write two biochemical fuction of folic acid
  • Our body needs folic acid for the synthesis ,repair & methylation of DNA .
  • It acts as a cofactor in many vital biological reaction
55. Name energy reach compounds .
  • ATP
  • GTP
  • UTP
  • CTP
  • Acetyal phosphate
  • Phosphenol pyruvate
55. Define  free energy of redox potiential.
 - Free energy: It may be defined as a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of the capacity of a system to do work.
 -Redox potential:It is a mesure of the iendency of a chemical species to acquire from or lose electrons to an electrode &thereby be reduced or oxidised respectively.
56.What are co-factors ?give example.
  -co-factors: It is a substrance ,other than substrate whose presence is essential for the activity of an enzyme.
  example: metal ions like iron zinc etc.
57.What are holoenzyme?Give example.
  -Holoenzyme: The non-protein ,organic,law molecular weight &  dialysable substance associated with enzyme functionis known as co-enzyme.The co-enzyme with protien part apoenzyme from haloenzyme.
 example: polymerase,RNA polymerase
58.Give the coenzyme from of vitamine B6&its Significane .
-Pyridoxal-5- phosphate and pyridoxamine -5- phosphate are the active coenzyme form of vitamine B6.
  •  It performs a wids variety of function in the body & extremly versitile
  • It involve in more than 100enzyme reaction.
59.what is optimum temperature &optimum pH
  - optimum temperature 
       the temperature at which a procedure is best carried out, such as the culture of a given organism or the action of an enzyme.
  -Optimum pH;
        The pH at which an enzymatic or any other reaction or process is most effective under a given set of condition.

60.What is the importance of SGPT&SGOT
   - importance of SGPT
  •  suggest the existence of other medical  problem such as viral hepatites ,diabetes ,CCF
  • It is commenly used as a way of screning for liver problems
 -importance of SGOT
  • Conntributes to the functioning of the liver's cell.
  • It also helps the heart & kidneys to a leser extent
                                         Thank you

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